Titles and Layout

The active score's  Title, Composer and Style (e.g. Jig, March etc.) can be set here. The titles will appear in the score header. If they are not known at this stage, they can be left blank and entered later with the Title & Footer edit tool, which provides much finer control over these fields.

Titles and layout screen


Pressing the Next button will move to the Instrument screen on the 'wizard'.
Finish will not enable until you have completed all three pages. You can use Back on the second and third pages to go back and make changes before pressing Finish to apply all the settings to your new score. Cancel will discard any changes and no new score will be created.

Line control

The basic structure of the score is provided by the two fields Measures per line and Initial no. of measures.

For a simple score, that contains the same number of measures/bars on a line, you get what you would expect when these fields are filled in. However, the Measures per line field accepts a 'bar pattern' to specify a repeating number of bars on each line. e.g. 4545 will create a score consisting of 4 lines. Line 1 has four bars, line 2 has five, line 3 has four, line 4 has five. When a pattern is specified in this way, the Initial no. of measures field is filled in automatically. If, for example, 4 more lines were required using this repeating pattern, entering the number 36 in the Initial no. of measures field would add 4 more lines.

Another example: entering 5444 and 17 respectively will create 4 lines, the first line having five bars and the remaining three having four. Out of interest, you could simply enter 4 and 16 in this case and use the structure editing toolbar (described later) to add an extra bar to line 1.

Note: A 'pattern' is assumed if the value of Measures per line is greater than 9 (i.e. more than a single digit). If a number higher than this, but less than 16 is required, a hexidecimal value must be used! i.e. A = 10, B = 11, C = 12, D = 13, E = 14, F = 15. This still fits nicely into a single character.

Page Orientation

Select either Landscape or Portrait mode to display the score with the long axis either horizontally or vertically (respectively). Imported scores are often best displayed in Landscape mode, as are scores with a lot of notes or more than 5 bars on a line.

What ever is set for the on-screen page orientation here will be used during printing. This can be changed at any stage but if the bars are crowded with notes, some notes may need 'tweaking'  to get them back into line!

Paper Size

The options are currently A4 (a metric size, mainly used by Europe) and Letter (mainly used by North America). They are roughly similar in size, A4 being a bit thinner and longer than Letter.

Staff Spacing

The distance between the component lines on a score can be modified for the active score by changing the settings in the Staff Spacing screen:

Staff spacing screen

Changing these settings can help with getting the required number of lines on a printer page.
Altering A, has the added effect of increasing/decreasing the relative size of the notes. The bigger A is, the greater the dimensions of a note head (and stem).

Remember: These settings apply to the current document only.

Pressing the OK button will apply your changes to the active score.