Operations on Notes
Selecting Notes
When notes or rests are selected on a score, they will be highlighted i.e. they change colour to blue.
To select a single note (beamed or unbeamed) or a rest, click on it's head.
Several notes in a score may be selected either by:
- 'Rubberbanding' (or 'boxing') them. i.e. by clicking on a point to the top-left of the item(s) and dragging the mouse cursor over the item(s) to the bottom-right, while simultaneously holding the left-mouse button down. A black rectangle will be shown. When the mouse button is released, the notes will be selected (indicated by them becoming highlighted). This is useful for selecting adjacent notes.
- Select a single note first and then extend the selection by holding down the SHIFT key and clicking on other notes. The selected notes will be highlighted.
Change from v2: If notes are beamed, clicking on one of the notes in the group will just select that note. To select a group (and any grace notes and embellishments within it), follow the instructions in the paragraph above.
To clear a selection (unselect all), click on anything that isn't a note.
To select all notes in a score, choose Select
All Notes from the Edit menu.
Modifying Notes
The buttons on the Basic Toolbar that aren't used to create notes are used to change or group them. The are described below:
dot: select a note and press this to dot the note. Press again to double-dot. Pressing a third time removes the dot.
double value: select one or more notes (or grace notes - select separately) to double their value. Note, if notes are beamed, the beams will be changed.
halve value: select one or more notes (or grace notes - select separately) to double their value. Note, if notes are beamed, the beams will be changed and sometimes even broken. This may be used to cut a beamed note.
tie: select two adjacent notes and press this button to tie the notes. To show ties crossing a line boundary, select the last note on the line above and the first note of the line below and press this button to tie them together.
tuplet: for a triplet, select three adjacent notes and press this button to add this marker. A 3 above that the three notes will be played in the time of two. For other note counts (4, 5, etc.), select the required number fo notes first, then a pop-up will appear to give you finer control.
beam: joins selected notes by beaming their tails together. NB: Unlike
some packages, CelticPipes won't beam crotchets (1/4 notes) together to
make them beamed quavers (1/8th notes).
unbeam: separates notes in a beamed group into individual notes.
note stem orientation: flips or inverts note stems from up to down and verse versa.
natural: adds a natural symbol to the selected note, indicating that it is played neither sharp nor flat.
sharp: sharpens the pitch of the selected note by a semitone.
flat: flattens the pitch of the selected note by a semitone.
head style: changes the note head from the usual 'dot' to a cross (for percussion sidestick, rimshot etc.)
Other operations such as adding dynamics and moving notes horizontally and vertically are described later.