Colouring Notes
This feature allows you to change the colour of single notes (or note heads if beamed) by pressing the button on the main toolbar,
selecting a colour and then clicking on one or more note heads.
The Colour notes button is found on the main toolbar, one right of the annotation button:
When you press this button, the colour selector popup will appear:
Select the required colour by clicking on one of its coloured cells with the mouse - the selector will disappear and the cursor will change to a hand icon to indicate that a colour is selected.
Now click on one or more note heads on the score to change their colour.
Tip: Edit->Undo can be used at any point.
To Finish
When done, deselect the colour either by:
Clicking on the Colour notes button again to toggle it off, or
Pressing the ESC key on the keyboard.
The cursor should return to normal.