Custom Embellishments

User-defined embellishments may be added and used from the Embellishments toolbar by selecting Custom from the Type list.

Custom section on toolbar

The Properties button behaves as it does for other types, but there are two new buttons.

An existing custom embellishment may be removed by selecting it and pressing the Remove button Remove button.

To Add a new embellishment, press the Add button Add button to invoke the Add Embellishment screen:

Add Embellishment screen

Enter the name of the new embellishment. This needs to be unique within the Custom type 'page' on the toolbar. This name is added to the tooltip that appears on the new embellishment's toolbar button when the mouse hovers over it.

Pressing the Add button will add new component notes. If an added component is incorrect it may be selected and removed using the Remove button. All components default to the middle stave line and 30ms duration.

To change a component, click on the entry and edit it. Clicking in the Pitch column displays a list from which the required pitch may be selected. The pitches represented in the list cover a range of about two octaves and they conform to ABC notation format (D4-B5). The effect of adding components and altering the pitches is shown on the preview image on the right of the screen. Note: Some pitches are beyond the range of the Great Highland Bagpipe!

The nominal duration (in milliseconds) of the component is set by clicking in the Duration column for the component and adjusting as necessary. These timings may be modified during playback by the settings on the Grace note & Embellishment Timing screen.