Cut, Copy, Paste & Delete

These standard editing functions are available from the Edit item on the Main Menu or from the Context Menu. The Delete function is also available from the Main Toolbar. These functions apply to whatever notes are selected at the time the Cut, Copy or Delete is activated. (Note: Paste ,will not enable until something is either copied or cut. Delete will not enable until something is selected).

To Paste, just point to the destination position with the mouse and activate Paste.

The Cut & Paste functions may be used as an alternative to moving notes by dragging them.

NB: A useful feature is the ability to paste selected notes to another Tab. This could be used to build up a library of phrases (e.g. for drumming) which can be saved in a document and used to copy single phrases back to new scores at a later date.

Some points to note about pasting

When adding or pasting notes in a bar that is too small, it is advisable to make the bar bigger first. Or undo the paste, make it wider (with the adjust barline tool) and try again!

When a group of notes is pasted into a bar and there is not enough space for them, all notes in the bar will get autospaced to make them fit.