Score Properties
This screen is accessed from Edit->Score
Properties... from the Main Menu.
Despite its simple appearance, this is a powerful screen which can be used to add and remove instruments, change instruments etc.
NB: To apply any changes to the score with this screen, you must press the
OK button. Pressing Cancel will leave the score unchanged. If you make
a mistake by e.g. deleting a part and pressing OK, you can always
restore your score using Edit->Undo from the main menu. Remember,
nothing will be saved to the document without explicitly saving it on
Each part (instrument) appears in a separate row. Often there will only be one.
If required, the first line of a part may be indented by typing a sensible value in the First line
indent field.
A part can be renamed by changing the text in the Part Name field.
The Part abbrev. field can be used, but this is not essential. However, if the score contains more than one part, the abbreviation is useful to aid in identifying the parts. Adjust the size of the First line indent to show as much of the abbreviation as necessary.
Here's an example:
To Add a part, press the + button. The default part type is Highland Bagpipe. You can change this easily if required. The Part Name defaults to "Change me" to encourage a sensible name for the part to be entered! To edit this, and the abbrev. field, just click in the field and type. Remember to save any changes.
To change an instrument for a part, click in the instrument column, for the part, and select the required instrument. Depending on your choice, the Transpose screen may automatically appear to provide you with further options. Obviously,
care must be taken here to make sure the change of instrument is valid
- particularly when the score is already populated with notes!
To Remove a part, select anywhere in the row corresponding to the part to enable the delete button (). Press the delete button. If the part contains notes, a warning will be issued.
Reordering parts
To move a part up or down (reorder), use the updown buttons to the right of the screen
Select the part and the relevant button(s) will enable. Press the appropriate button to change the order of the part in the list. Press OK to save this change and reorder the parts on the score, oherwise press Cancel to discard the change.
Note: If you have made a mistake and applied a change you didn't really want,
you can always select UNDO from either the Main Menu or Context Menu to restore the score to its previous state.
Part Properties
Each time a part (or instrument) is added to a score, its properties default to certain values which conform to the usual convention for displaying music for the particular instrument. For example, Highland Bagpipe scores normally display 'main' notes with stems pointing downwards, and 'embellishments' with stems pointing upwards. This is not the case for most other 'traditional' instruments.
These default properties and more may be changed for the selected part by clicking on the part in the list above (anywhere on the line) and changing one or more of the properties relating to the selected part below.
The properties are:
Note stems: options are always up, always down, or auto.
Auto is used for instruments such as flute and whistle. Notes positioned below the middle (B) stave line are displayed with stems up. Notes on or below this line are displayed with stems down. Auto gets more complicated for beamed notes, but this is generally true for them too.
Grace note
stems: this refers to both single grace notes, beamed grace notes or embellishments.
Beaming: refers to the angle of all beam lines connecting groups of main (a.k.a. root) notes. Doesn't refer to grace note/embellishment beams. They are always displayed as flat in this version of the software.
Show Key signature: check this to make key signatures visible.
Abbreviated time signature: when checked, this will show 4/4 as and 2/2 as .
Pressing Ok will apply these settings to the part and this will be saved with the score document when you save it.