Titles & Footer

Select Tools->Titles and Footer... from the main menu to display the title editing screen.

Title editing screen

Main Title

To add or edit a title, type it in the main text box as shown in the picture above. It can be left, centre or right aligned.

The style of the text can be changed by pressing the font button and changing the settings. The colour can be changed by clicking on the black square to the right of the Font button. This square indicates the font colour being used. The default is black text, sans serif (arial or equivalent), 20pt size.

The title may consist of more than one line. A second or subsequent line can be displayed wither at the same size as the top line, or by specifying a size that is smaller than the top line e.g.

Second title line

This will display the title text like this:

Double title


Subtitles are normally used to indicate the type and origin of a tune. The style of the text can be set for each subtitle individually in the same manner as the Main Title. The font colour can be set by clicking on the square to the right of the font button.

They are also the capability of displaying more than one line, if required. However, the text will always be the same size as the first line.


A Footer is optional and can be used to provide information such as copyright, band name, author name, etc. Provision is made for a Footer text to be written on the left, in the centre and on the right of the page.

Each footer is also capable of displaying more than one line, if required. However, the text will always be the same size as the first line.

The Centre footer can be used as normal for text, but, if the 'Reserve for page numbers' checkbox is ticked, no text can be entered for the footer and the centre footer will be used by the software for the sole purpose of displaying page numbers.

Some points to note when entering text in a title of footer field

Overall Scaling

The overall size of the titles and footer can be adjusted in this panel.
 Overall scaling.