Using Help

The Navigation pane at the left of the screen is used to view and select help topics. Clicking on a section will open it up to reveal the topics that are available in the category.

Selected topics will appear in the main frame at centre-right. If a topic is too long to be seen in a single page, use the scrollbar to the right of the screen to scroll down. The navigation pane does not have a scroll bar.

Sometimes clicking on a link on a page will take you to another page. If you wish to return to the previous page, select Back on your browser. Alternatively, locate the next topic using the navigation pane.


Links to other pages appear like this in this help manual. Clicking on this one will just refresh this page. Hovering over a link with the mouse will change its appearance to indicate that it is indeed an active link.


To print a topic that is displayed in the main frame, either press the Print button (requires Javascript to be enabled in the system's default browser for this to work), or the context menu (right-mouse button -> 'Print' or similar).

Context-sensitive Help

This has still to be added to CelticPipes 3.